Thursday 12 April 2012

Mummy Cam and Daddy Can too!

I'm getting to cuddle the babies every day now so I decided to take some 'mummy's eye' view pictures.

Charlie on Mummy Cam.
Lex on Mummy Cam

Charlie is back on sipap (which I think might actually be called CPAP) and looked like he'd got another infection. They've taken the long line out of his leg because they think that might be causing the trouble.

Hopefully this'll sort it out. Fingers crossed.

Lex is still doing very well. His eyes are open quite a lot but I'm not sure that they focus on anything. We discovered the weights we were told for him and Beth were wrong - they are both around 2 pound 10.

Beth on Mummy Cam

Beth...well Beth is just beautiful isn't she?

This was going to be my post for today but at lunchtime we got some big news. The matron said they would move Beth next to Lex so we could hold them both at the same time!

Matt didn't get a chance to hold all his babies yesterday so he was given the first hug. Pictures below.

Double Cuddles

Matt didn't have a shirt that unbuttoned so he just took his t-shirt off. He's not nudey I promise. He is, however, very happy with two of his babies.

Hello again!
Lex and Beth held hands (well sleeves). They haven't seen/felt each other for nearly 3 weeks now. It was all going swimmingly then Beth poked Lex in the eye. Not for the last time I'm sure.

I'm hoping to get my double cuddles tomorrow.

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