Monday, 4 March 2013


When you have premature babies you have to attend regular check ups. Recently we went to the Children's hospital for eye tests. At 9am.

9am used to seem totally reasonable to me. Even a bit late to get out. However getting three babies up, dressed, fed and then to the hospital, then parked by 9am was a challenge - we began at 6am and even then we cut it very fine!

As usual we caused quite a stir by our very existence - amongst patients and staff. We were more concerned about how to get the buggy through the doors!

After much flashing of lights in babies eyes they were pronounced perfect. In fact we received a copy of the letter the consultant wrote to the GP and in it he said 'I have seen these triplets and am delighted to say that all six eyes appear to be seeing perfectly well and they all seem to be pointing in the right direction.' Good to know.

The Chatten family have visited again (see pic) and today my Uncle Myles (my dads brother) and Auntie Margaret came to visit. My mum was here so could show off her grandchildren. I think they made a good impression and it was lovely to see them.

We also met my friend Alex from work in the park and I got caught up on some work news. It's only a few weeks now until I return from seclusion back into the world. Is the world ready? Am I?

Pictures are:
Beth standing
The Chatten family and the babies
Charlie, Beth, Lex
Uncle Myles, Beth and Lex

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