Thursday, 18 April 2013

They might be giants..

Another week in the Cunnington household and another trip to the hospital. It was time for the babies' first year development check up. This was the first check up where we had mobile babies. It was quite a feat managing to keep all three in check, especially as Beth decided she had the free run of reception. She decided to help out and went behind the desk to "sort" some papers. She did so well they have taken her on a part time basis.

All three babies were weighed and prodded. They came in at:

  • Lex - 21lb 2 (up from 20lb 1) - length 74.1
  • Beth - 15lb 13 (up from 15lb 7) - length 71.5
  • Our Chaz - 17lb 11 (up from 17lb 2) - length 71.3cm
The consultant then told us their projected heights for when they are older and it came as quite a shock, considering they were 11 weeks premature. Estimated adults heights are:
  • Lex, 5'11"
  • Our Chaz, 5'8"
  • Beth, 5'5"
Considering how diddy they were when they were born this mean we have had to abandon our plans to market the kids as the new Ooompah Loompahs :-(

Each of the babies then had an assessment to determine their motor skills. They were put through a rigorous regime, somewhat like the Krypton Factor assault course. Charlie enjoyed the assessment chart so much he tried to eat it and Lex wanted to be assessed so much he kept butting in on the others trials.

After enduring the Seven Labours of Hercules the gods pronounced their judgement and stated that:
  • Beth was well above where she should be
  • Lex slightly above average; and
  • Charlie was riding the curve exactly where he should be
This is of course testament to the wonderful parenting skills of mummy and daddy, aided of course by grannies and legions of aunties and uncles and not forgetting Show Me, Show Me which has taught all the babies to show their groovy moves.

Therefore we are able to show you some now and to be pictures for the babies based on their motor skills assessments:



and of course Beth

We have to thank Chris for Beth's evil training and for Peggy for teaching her about volcanoes she can hollow out for her lair.

It has been a rollercoaster year, from the days when we wondered how many babies would make it (the stats say that only 25% of triplets born early will make it to due date without any major complications) to the first roll, the first words and the first crawl. Thankfully we made it! Here's to the many years to come and more firsts :-)

Charlie, Lex and Beth

Friday, 5 April 2013

Needles and being needled

It's been a big week in the Cunnington baby zoo as mummy started back at work, Izzy the nanny formally started work and the babies had their MMR jabs.

Work has been fine, still too quiet though. I ate an apple in the office on Tuesday and felt I was disturbing everyone! I've been hunting down some headphones so I can have music on (and not hear myself eating apples!).

Tuesday night after work I made myself late home (which was hard) because I popped into tescos for some headphones. When I got them out of the packet the next day they had a huge plug on the end. They were stereo headphones - for a stereo! I couldn't believe it.

Anyway luckily I work in IT because my colleagues suggested that we trying unscrewing the big plug and lo and behold there was a dinky computer plug underneath. Would have looked like a right idiot taking them back wouldn't I?

The main thing this week, for me anyway, has been getting used to having someone else in the house. Maybe it's because I lived on my own for quite a while before Matt moved in - or I'm just a finikity bugger but I'm finding it a bit tricky. Things aren't where I leave them. The fridge is arranged differently.

This is all probably a good thing as I've stayed in the house for far too long over the past year but I think there's a time of adjustment for me anyway. It's also, I'm sure, that someone else is looking after my babies and frankly they seem perfectly content with the change.

So mummy's nose is a little out of joint but it's good really that they are secure enough to handle the change? Isn't it? It's also really good that we have found a great nanny!

Today we took them for their MMR jabs. After last time I'd suggested Matt come too and like a good daddy he did. He literally had to help me restrain Lex for his jabs as he's too wriggly and strong.

All the babies did very well and recovered their good humour quickly despite three injections each. As before I think I found it more upsetting than them really but then again I wasn't stabbed with needles!

This weekend, if its nice, we're hoping to do the day out we were going to do for their birthday - a trip to Graves Park farm - so who wants to bet it snows again?

Pictures are:
The babies
Jo, Chris and Charlie (they brought some fab hats!)
Beth and Lex await starters orders
The boys
The babies