Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Happy birthday daddy!

It's daddy's 40th birthday today and the babies were seven months old yesterday so it's a big week in the Cunnington zoo.

The babies are also practising synchronised rolling (see photo) and their parents have realised its time to baby proof the house!

They are also practising using spoons and holding their own drinks. They are trying to speak but it's just coming out as random mumbles - a bit like their parents really!

Pictures are:
synchronised rolling
Bathing beauties
Daddy and Beth
Lex twice

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Missing - one daddy

This week was a tough one at chez Cunnington as daddy Cunnington went away on training for work. This left mummy Cunnington at home for four days with three babies who were missing their daddy.

Thank god for friends is all I can say! Monday and Tuesday Andrea and Lily came to help with bedtime. The trickiest things with baby triplets is feeding time. I'm sure there will be trickier things later but three babies, two hands is a conundrum.

During the day I get all three lined up in their bouncy chairs and either prop feed all three or prop feed one and hold bottles for the other two. I'll add a picture so you can see prop feeding at work.

The bedtime feed is upstairs with no chairs so you really need at least two people which is why I was so grateful for the help.

Wednesday, thanks to a bit a miscommunication, I ended up with three screaming babies to feed alone at bedtime. This was not fun but I pulled on my 'mummy can do anything' jacket and figured it out. It involved pillows and tears (not all of them produced by babies).

Thursday daddy came home and the sheer joy on the babies face was only matched by my own - and his!

I'm on a triplet group on Facebook and some mummy's moan about how little their fellas do. I don't join in or boast but I know that without Matts help running the triplet zoo would be an awful lot harder.

So raise your glasses ladies and gents to a wonderful daddy (who also happens to be 40 in a few days).

Pictures are:
Me looking very happy Daddy is home
The babies prop feeding
The babies facing each other - they all turned away! There must have been a falling out in the baby zoo

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Space the final frontier

Last weekend Uncle Andrew and his girlfriend Jackie came up visit - and they brought toys! It was lovely to see them, meet Jackie and watch the babies interact with them.

As usual they loved the attention! Uncle Andrew also helped Matt shift furniture around. As we can't afford an extension the only option left has been getting rid of furniture.

We sold a double bed and armchair on eBay which meant the house could be shifted about a bit. Somehow the loss of one chair downstairs has created more room in all three rooms! It's a space creating miracle!

The babies room has floor space now thanks to the loss of the double bed. It does mean the tiny box room will soon have an extra thin single bed in it for grannys. Lucky grannys.

The living room too has floor space and the combination of that and new toys has kept the babies wriggling.

Since then we've just been enjoying the new space and - another miracle - Charlie slept through last night!!!!

Just one to go. Please Lex don't let us down.

Pictures are:
Playing with their new toys and Jackie
Beth with a fetching new hat
Beth after a bath (photo requested by aunty Bex)
Two photos of the trio - Lex, Beth, Charlie (from left)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


When the babies were in hospital I told the sister that I planned for us all to go away in September to a log cabin in the woods. 'You'll never do that !' she said, 'You'll still have the boys on oxygen. It'd be a nightmare.'

Well initially it was a bit of a nightmare but not because of that. The weather was awful! We were due to leave on the Monday and was raining so hard that Matt had to change his waterproof coat after loading the car because it wasn't waterproof any more.

We were all for going the next day but Granny Cunnington was determined 'You'll be glad once you are there.' she said so we jumped into the cars and off we went.

I was leading the (two car) convoy. The road between Sheffield and Baslow was a paddling pool. It got interesting when a van came the other way...

But we got there in the end and I was very relieved. The cabin was great and the complex was really good too. It stayed rainy for the next day or so but we still got out and about.

On the Wednesday the sun came out and we went for a bigger forest walk. It started off well then we reached a very large stretch of mud - not so easy to get through with a triple buggy.

Luckily Orson Welles appeared (or someone who looked a lot like him) and he carried the buggy through the mud lake with Matt. He then strode off - cigar in mouth.

We rounded the next corner to be greeted by another lake of mud! Oh dear - we couldn't go forward or back. Then we noticed a stile to our left leading out to a country road. So over we went - babies first then buggy. Granny Cunnington is strong!

All in all a dramatic holiday (in a small way) but we had a great time and even better Beth decided to sleep right through the night.

It's been a whole week so far. Go Beth!

The boys are still waking once to feed but last night it was 5am so we are getting somewhere. Woohoo!

Today we went to the hospital for the babies 6 months check up. The doctor was really impressed with them and their progress.

We also saw a physio who checked the babies and advised us on what to do to encourage the babies to roll over.

So this evening we put the babies on the floor (as we have done before) and put Beth on her front. She rolled straight over! She did it again later too so it wasn't a fluke. Good girl!

Pictures are:
Beth planning her next move
The cabin
Charlie with a monkey
Cross eyed Lex
The babies
The woods