Sunday, 23 September 2012


Today the babies are six months old. Where did that time go? It feels both like ages and seconds. It seems aeons ago that the babies were in hospital but seconds since I first saw them.

The babies have all been poorly with a cold but they are recovering now. There was a lot of snot there for a while and a worried mummy watching out for signs of chest infections. Unfortunately it has reminded me why we must avoid the babies catching any colds for the next few months. I shall have to remain a hermit until the flu season has passed.
Baby Pile on

We have had visitors - Aunty Bex came for a baby pile on. See the evidence. Aunty Anna came to pick up some baby stuff for her impending arrival.

Granny Cunnington is up at the moment and we are going away for a few days - are we crazy? Possibly! I can't wait as we are booked into a lodge in the woods - but mostly because for an entire week there will be three adults and three babies - that's a holiday for me!

However Matt has just informed me we are due a months worth of rain in the next 24 hours. That'll be fun!

Lex - 13 pound 10

We also had a weigh in this week. Lex is now 13 pound 10 and sticking to the 25th percentile. Charlie is 12 pound 3 and has moved up from the 2nd to the 9th percentile. Beth is 10 pound 11 and have moved from the 0.2 to the 2nd percentile.

Charlie - 12 pound 3
If you don't understand percentiles don't worry - the basic gist is that they are doing really well and to prove it the health visitor is not coming back until November.

So in six months we became parents, changed many hundreds of nappies, had many hundreds of cuddles, the babies all came off oxygen, out of hospital, learnt how to smile and giggle. So far it's been eventful and a total honour.

Beth - 10 pound 11
Recently there was a 'One Born Every Minute' programme about twins and triplets. One doctor (who we nearly saw) described multiple births as an 'unfortunate side effect' of fertility treatment. Feels amazingly fortunate to me (and he's an arse!).

Friday, 14 September 2012

Fun fun fun

The babies are just so much fun at the moment. They have all mastered smiling and giggling - plus they seem to think Matt and I are the coolest people ever. I just have to sing a song to get huge grins or blow a raspberry for giggles. The same goes for Matt (that they respond to him in the same way not that he is so easily entertained - just before you say it Gareth).

Weaning continues and the scores are:
Carrot 1 - broccoli 0
Mashed potato 0 - sweet potato 2
Banana porridge 1 - banana 2

Next on the agenda is meat so I have a chicken stew in the slow cooker (minus salty stock). We'll see what they think.

The babies are also making lots of new sounds. Lex squeals with delight, Charlie said 'yeah' at a very appropriate time, Beth has a new shout which sounds like 'maaaa!' which, I believe means - more! I described it to Matt as sounding like a lost parrot. I shall try to record these sounds at some point.

Charlie has an ear infection so is on antibiotics. We only figured this out when Matt noticed him shaking his head from side to side. I asked Dr google who told me it was either an ear infection or autism. Luckily the doc found a sore ear.

The next step is rolling over and we've caught all three on their side ready to go over but then they've rolled back. It's going to be very soon. We need to start thinking about baby proofing the house!

I've been getting out a bit more and met up with my fellow multiple mummy's this week in a nearby park. It does feel so nice to not be the only freak in the village.

On the same note we're off to millhouses park tomorrow to meet two sets of triplets and their parents. Can't wait! Is it bad if I hug them? Lol.

I'll try to get some pics and report back.

Pictures below are:
Mum with the babies

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Things people say

Obviously having triplets we are very visible. When I'm pushing the triple on my own I'm extremely visible. People say all sorts of odd things.

Best things - its lovely when people say how gorgeous the babies are, how lucky we are. It's nice to meet people who have twins, or are one of twins (never met a triplet yet!) and get their perspective on being a multiple.

Most often heard - You've got your hands full! I hear this every day at least once. It isn't offensive but it does get a bit dull.

Funniest - the delivery men who said Matt should be very proud of having triplets - implying it meant he was the king of virility.

Rudest - worst ever goes to the man who said 'my sympathies' to me when I told him I was pregnant with twins. Honourable mention to the man this week who said 'you've got problems!' as I walked past him pushing the buggy.

People are odd and also lovely, depending on which one you meet.

Attached are photos to prove that no-one should ever feel sorry for us. We are blessed.

Pictures are:
Lex, Beth, Charlie
Beth, Charlie, Lex
Beth and daddy

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Just a post to show off the boys new quilts from new zealand. As you can see Beth wanted in on the act.

Thanks so much to Matts Uncle John and Aunty Linda, I'm sure they will be treasured possessions.