Well they've been here quite a few days now and here's the news on each of them.
Charlie - the one who caused all the trouble! Because the placenta wasn't
feeding him properly that's why they were all born. Charlie was very wriggly in
the womb and is still a wriggle monkey in his incubator. He's been on and off
the ventilator and is stronger than they expected him to be especially as he was
only 2pound 1 when born.
Charlie |
He has been causing some worry as he showed signs of having an infection
and needed a blood and platelet transfusion yesterday. However he's rallied
today and is looking a lot better. He's always kicking his feet so daddy is
hoping for a footballer. He also has long fingers so maybe he'll be a goaly or a
Lex - lex was second to be born, the very same minute as Charlie.
Apparently he was quite shouty about the whole thing. Lex seems more chilled
than Charlie in general, a bit less wriggly but did manage to wee all over his
daddy when he was getting his nappy changed.
Lex |
Lex too has stressed out mummy and daddy by needing to have a chest tube
because air was forming around his lung, stopping it from inflating properly. It
seemed to do the trick though and looks like it might come out tomorrow.
Just like his identical twin he has lovely long fingers and a very handsome
little face. We get to see glimpses of their faces around the tubes and I think
we've created some lookers but then I am extremely biased.
Beth - born an entire minute later, Beth is determined to beat the boys at
everything. She was first off the ventilator and today nearly gave mummy and
daddy their first heart attack as they entered her room and saw the incubator
was empty!!!
We were quickly reassured that she was doing so well she'd been moved out
of the intensive care unit into the next level down. Phew!
We've been blessed with two cuddles each with Beth. She's very vocal as she
settles down, sounding like a lost kitten, then blisses out and just flicks the
occasional foot against our skin. Because she needs less intervention we can see
her face properly now and again I'm biased but she's the cutest thing that ever
was. Fact.
Beth and Daddy |
Beth |
We are settling into the new routine - for me that means lots of time spent
pumping and for us both loving any time we get to interact with the babies - be
it just having one grip on your finger, changing a nappy or having a proper
When we told people we were having triplets so people said - rather you
than me - too right! Are they crazy? We're so blessed it's almost overwhelming.